Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy Birthday to my favorite Sister!!

Hey Teri, hope you love the way I send birthday cards these days. At least I didn't forget.

My sister Teri is a frequent reader of this site. It's practically her only way of seeing what I'm up to these days. You see my family is located all over the country and often in far away places... such is the case with Teri as she lives in Hawaii. I don't always get to hang with my family and honestly I have mental breakdowns just figuring out what time zone various members of the family are in and if I would be calling too early or late in the day, so phone calls usually do not get made. It's all on me for this, I do not blame anyone else in my beloved family.

Please join me in wishing my sister a happiest of birthday's this year. Even though she is six years younger than me, she was the toughest in the family. I know because I was on the receiving end of a bloodied nose on multiple occasions (if you are scoring at home that is two bloody noses for Todd, zero for Teri). I then had to endure the fact that she was being named to All State athletic teams while competing in High School when I only managed an honorable mention award at a Boy's Club obstacle course race when I was 10 years old, a race that I lost badly in.

Now Teri will tell you that I inspired her to be the best that she could and be all warm and fuzzy about that, but it wasn't her that had to listen to my pals snicker and say; "Dude, you're telling us that it was your sister that beat the crap out of you??" or "Buddy, we are picking your sister to play for our team instead of you because we want to win." Pretty much anything along those lines would apply.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Teri. Give my nephew Ricky a big hug and kiss for Gail and me. All the best.

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