Friday, November 16, 2007

In my email today...

I received an email today from former Mayor Monica Gates informing the folks on her distribution list that she has decided to enter the upcoming election and run for Mayor.

I've had many friendly discussions about Kingman issues with Mrs. Gates and her husband over the years and I have the utmost respect for them, I find them to be good people. I wish her the best of luck in her efforts.

This is just an announcement, I am making no endorsements at this time. I voted for Mrs. Gates when she was elected in 2004 and when she failed in her re-election bid in 2006.

The only thing I will say at this time about Mrs. Gates, and I say this in full confidence... she is a lousy softball player. I'm fairly confident that she also has a good sense of humor and I know she won't take what I just said as any form of disparagement. A couple of years back I just happened to play on the same local recreational adult league softball team as her, and while I loved having her as a teammate, her skills on the softball diamond are not nearly on par with her skills as Mayor.

Again Monica... I do wish you good luck in your efforts.

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