Monday, April 23, 2007

A Whole Lot of History

I’ve lived in Michigan, Florida, Oregon and California just to name a few states and a few communities in each. I have never enjoyed a community more than Kingman. This city has had a very colorful past and is now enjoying a wonderful period of growth. Kingman is here because of some very strong and courageous folks, mostly miners and ranchers who chose this area to make a living and to call their own.

I have been reading a book that I acquired a couple years ago from the Mohave County Museum. The book was written by a long time resident, Grace Neal who just recently passed away. The book is called, “That Cowboy from Burro Creek”. The Neal’s were ranchers here in Mohave County and later became water company owners and land developers and philanthropists. Now, when I drive around I see the Cerbats, Aquarius and other mountains and I think of the rich stories Mrs Neal related in her book.

For anyone who might be even slightly interested I have to encourage you to visit our museum and learn about how Kingman came to be. You might be surprised to know that they used to hold ¼ mile horse races on Stockton Hill Road and you might be curious about what business was located where the South Campus athletic field is now.

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