Thursday, June 07, 2007

City Council Meeting video is up (bumped)

Click here for the link to take you to the video of last nights meeting.

It is there, but so far I haven't been able to watch it. I think the server is too busy at the moment.


As of 4:00pm I still can't view this video.

As of 7:30am on 6/6/2007 I still can't view this video.

As of 6:19am on 6/7/2007 the video is still not loading for viewing.

I'm not trying to play 'conspiracy theory' here or anything... but on the city site not only is this video not available, but the agenda for the City Manager review won't pop up either.


I just got done watching the video. The well-sites issue can be found between the 38 minute mark and runs through the 1:25 minute mark. Sadly, in my opinion, there were no winners during those moments.

Make sure you catch the presentation that was called something like 'Building Bridges to Business' as it was very interesting. I'm going to try and track down more information from the source on this.

Lastly the final comments from Council start at the 2:16 minute mark and they conclude with fellow KGVAR Member Barbara Ricca giving a heart felt speech about water issues and the future of the community. I admire what she had to say.

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