Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New RE blog in Mohave County...

For certain... we are not alone.

While there may be other real estate blogs in existence, uncharted by me at this time, in Mohave County... someone that I have come to respect over the years has started a blog in Bullhead City (our neighbor to the west WITH a Target store).

Visit the blog at this link.

I put the blog over on the sidebar blogroll last week but I wanted to bring attention to the site with this post. I find the blog very well written with plenty of solid information. The author may have a few differing views at times, but this is expected... let me explain.

The host of Bullhead City Blog is Evan Fuchs. Evan was the first president of the new(er) regional MLS that was put together over the last few years. That meant that we were both involved in organizing WARDEX right from the beginning. Along with the many others that were as involved, Evan did a great job for the new(er) organization and his dedication to the effort was inspiring.

With that said, on occasion Evan and myself were at odds with each other at times on issues relating to the new(er) organization. We both held our convictions close and on a few occasions had to raise our voices... but at the end of each meeting or conversation I felt a mutual respect between the both of us. It is acceptable to disagree, makes for a good Board of Directors meeting for certain.

Evan is the broker of Bullhead-Laughlin Realty. While I know other Realtors from his community, if or when I have clients that can be better served by someone from Bullhead... I would refer the client to his office. I just know the clients would be well served.

I've come to find out that Evan is actually a few years younger than me... not a bad thing in the least... but more impressive is the time he has already given to represent other Realtors throughout the state of Arizona by serving as local Association president (at least once), serving as the WARDEX president (as mentioned earlier), served as Region 1 Vice President of the Arizona Association of Realtors (a position that I hold currently... but not doing as fine a job that Evan did not doubt), and serving in other capacities on state level committees.

As a Realtor that is serving in similar capacities there is no question that Evan has earned the respect that I give him... which is why this post is longer than I first intended.

So please check out what Evan has to say from time to time. Leave some comments as well, he'd enjoy the discussion.

Evan... to you I say happy blogging!!

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